Tips & Troubleshooting

Most likely causes of problems:

  1. You started up too quickly. The electrode-skin connection needs to settle down and/or the system needs to warm up for a few minutes.
  2. One or more electrodes are not tight enough against the skin. This is a very common problem. Use another piece of tape for better adhesion. Be careful not to squish the paste out from under the electrode either. There must be paste in between the electrode and skin.
  3. The electrode cables are not plugged all the way into the EagleEyes system.
  4. The Gain knobs are turned too high (or too low). Normally keep them between the 10 o'clock and 12 o'clock position depending on the needs of the user.
  5. The Offset sliders are not center over center.
  6. The USB cable is not plugged into the system and computer.
  7. There may be a break in one of the electrode cables, if they have have been pulled or folded. Cables may need to be replaced or repaired. Contact OFOA.
  8. The 9 volt batteries in the bottom of the system need to be replaced. Test using the battery tester. See video here.    
  9. The batteries are not placed in the system the right way, in terms of the + and - poles


1. An error message shows up.

Check the EagleEyes system and make sure it is on and plugged in via USB. Close the program and then restart it. If problems still occur, check the USB connections and make sure they are working. Check to make sure only one EagleEyes window/program is running. If two are open the second one will not function. Try restarting the computer.  If everything is in working order, re-install the latest version of the EagleEyes software from OFOA website.

2. The pointer seems to drift in one direction

Wait 5 minutes for the electrodes to warm up. If the drift continues, first verify that all the electrodes are securely in place. Next, check to see if there is tension on one of the electrode wires affected. For example, if it is drifting up or down, check the blue and white electrode to see if one of the wires is pulling tight against the tape. The wire should be relaxed and not be pulled tight.

3. The pointer is stuck around the edges of the monitor.

Center the offset sliders. Check the Gain knobs; they might be too high. Push the Auto Center buttons a couple of times. Make sure all the electrodes are securely in place and not lifting off the skin. Sometimes grinding of the teeth or excessive squinting can cause momentary issues like this also. Try waiting for a few minutes while the user looks at the center of the screen. Have the user take some deep breaths and relax. You take some deep breaths and relax too.

4. I can't see the pointer on the screen when I'm using EagleEyes.

The pointer is probably hiding in a corner and the gain is up too high. Follow the directions in the previous example or enlarge the pointer for better visibility. To enlarge the pointer you will need to access the control panel of your computer. 

5. The pointer moves in the opposite direction than I want it to.

Something somewhere is reversed. Usually, two or more of the electrode leads are reversed. Also, check the Eyes/Head setting in the EagleEyes software window.

If the horizontal electrodes are reversed, you can simply reverse the wires in the back of the console for that session instead of moving the electrodes on the user’s face. (i.e. place the black electrode connector into the red hole and red into black. Don’t forget to switch them back when you are done) You can do the same with the vertical electrodes; it is just more common to happen with the horizontal electrodes.

6. The pointer moves too fast and is jumpy.

The gain is up too high. Check the gain knobs on the EagleEyes system and the gain settings in the software. Also, movement can be smoothed out with a higher damping setting on the software. Also, check that all the electrodes are tight against the skin.

7. The pointer is very difficult to move.

The gain is down too low. Check the gain knobs on the EagleEyes system. Generally the Gain knobs should be between the 10 o'clock and 12 o'clock position. Check that all the electrodes are tight against the skin.

8. I move the switch on the switchbox to EagleEyes but nothing happens.

Make sure the EagleEyes software program is running. Look at the EagleEyes software window and be sure the correct Control option is checked (External Switch, Ctrl key, NumLock key, or ScrollLock key). Also check to make sure all the cables are securely attached. Close and re-launching the EagleEyes software.

9.The pointer just hovers but doesn't move.

Check to make sure all of the electrodes are securely attached to the user and the cables are pushed in all the way on the back of the EagleEyes system. The Gain knobs should be between the 10 o'clock and 12 o'clock position.

10. The software intermittently reports communication loss with the console.

Check the USB cable for secure a connection on the computer and console. Try a different USB port. 

11. The software says the console is not connected but EagleEyes still works.

Check to make sure there is only one EagleEyes software application open. If a second application is open, the first application will continue to function but the second will report a communication error with the console.

12. I turn the EagleEyes system on but no lights come on.

The batteries need to be changed or charged.